The month we spend our entire year preparing for is finally here, and to us, it’s easily the sweetest month of the year – we are, of course, referring to National Honey Month! Since 1989, September has been deemed National Honey Month by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in order to create awareness and recognize the importance of honey bees and the benefits of honey as an all-natural, single ingredient.
With more than 300 unique varietals that range in color, flavor, and aroma and a slew of functional benefits both in and out of the kitchen, there is so much about honey to celebrate. From keeping your baked goods moist (and extending their shelf life) to balancing flavor in cocktails, honey is the one ingredient that spans the entire menu! Learn more about honey’s natural benefits here.
But, of course, we wouldn’t be able to have such a sweet celebration without the hard work of the humble, busy honey bee. Fun Fact: the 60,000 or so bees in a beehive may collectively travel as much as 55,000 miles and visit more than two million flowers to gather enough nectar to make just a pound of honey! And not only do honey bees provide us with sweet honey, but they are also a vital part of our agricultural industry, pollinating nearly one in three bites of food you eat. Interested in helping out the bees? Check out these tips.
Now we all know that celebrations are sweeter with friends, and we’re so excited to be partnering with some wonderful bakers, brewers, chefs, brands and even a celebrity mom, so be sure to keep your eyes on our blog and social media channels for all of the delicious updates!
And speaking of social media – we’re hosting a sweet giveaway! Over the course of September, we will be highlighting four of our National Honey Month programs and allowing our followers to get in on the fun. Entering is easy - each week we will publish a post related to our featured program and all you have to do is comment on the thread responding to the posted questions/prompt. Winners will be drawn on October 1st and contacted with instructions on how to claim their prize. Read the Official Rules here. * This giveaway is now closed. *
For more tips and inspiration, be sure to get social with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest for buzz-worthy news and our favorite honey-inspired recipes.
Happy National Honey Month!