The National Honey Board (NHB) is committed to finding ways to help beekeepers maintain the health of their honey bees and was among the first to provide funding for Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) research in early 2007. Since 2004, the NHB has committed more than three million dollars to fund countless honey bee health research projects.
In 2017, the NHB partnered with Project Apis m. (PAm) to administer the NHB’s production research funding. This collaboration streamlined efforts to support the beekeeping industry, by merging the NHB funding opportunities with several other efforts which PAm coordinates. PAm administers several initiatives with funding from many sources, including corporate sponsors, private donations and grants. The NHB and PAm partnership will allow a broader influence on projects and a collaboration with other resources, when necessary, for projects that may require more time or funding commitments. To find out more about the work of PAm, please click here.
This section provides information on NHB-funded research, sorted by year of funding. This information is made available to keep researchers, consumers and the beekeeping community informed about NHB's proactive involvement in honeybee health projects.