It’s crazy to think that we are already into the fourth week of September – wow is time flying! If you have been hanging around our blog or following us on social media, you know that September is National Honey Month, but did you also know that we share the month with another kitchen favorite? It’s true – September is also National Chicken Month!
Whether you like it fried, baked, broiled, or grilled, chicken is a versatile and delicious source of protein that can be enjoyed in a variety of recipes. Today we will be looking at the benefits of adding chicken to your diet, some fun chicken facts, and our top ten honey and chicken recipes.
There are few things more soothing than a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup when we are feeling under the weather, but what some may think of as an old wives tale could actually be based in science. According to our friends at the National Chicken Council, chicken noodle soup could actually help you fight colds by restoring fluids, loosening mucus in the chest and even providing zinc and protein to support your immune system. Because lean chicken is a source of high-quality protein, it is considered beneficial to weight loss, building muscle, and keeping bones strong, while its nutrient makeup of vitamins and minerals is linked to mood, brain function and hearth health (you can read more about these benefits here).
From its health benefits to its delicious flavor options, it’s no wonder that chicken is so popular – in fact, it is said that the average American consumes approximately 83 pounds a chicken a year and that over 50% of entrees ordered in restaurants are some form of chicken. Another tasty fun fact: out of all poultry options, chicken is the most widely consumed around the world!
Like honey, chicken lends itself to the creativity of both the expert and the at-home chef, which is why we are sharing some of our favorite honey and chicken recipes. Did you know that in addition to adding the perfect touch of sweet flavor that honey will also help lock in your chicken’s natural juices? That’s right - say goodbye to dry chicken! From breakfast to dinner, we’re rounding up our top ten recipes for you to try during National Chicken Month.
We want to hear from you! What is your favorite way to enjoy chicken? Share with us in the comments below.