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Honey-Yogurt Popsicles

YIELD: Makes 8 servings
2 cups - plain yogurt
1 cup - milk
1/3 cup - honey
1 tsp. - vanilla extract
1/4 lb. - cherries, pitted and quartered
1/4 cup - blueberries
In a large bowl, stir together the yogurt, milk, honey and vanilla extract. Taste the mixture and add a little more honey if needed.
Divide half the fruit among 8 ½-cup popsicle holders.
Add ¼ cup of the yogurt mixture to each popsicle holder, then add the rest of the fruit. You'll need to press the fruit down a bit to distribute it evenly in the popsicle. Top off with more yogurt mixture if needed, leaving at least ¼ inch of space at the top of the popsicle holder because it will expand as it freezes.
Freeze the popsicles for several hours, until completely solid.