Two huge trends heading into 2020 are the “snackification” of meals throughout the day and plant-based offerings. When speaking about food trends, we tend to focus on the demographic segments of baby boomers, Generation X, and millennials — the adults. However, kids are indeed some of the most influential consumers in the United States, even if Mom and Dad hold the wallets.
Luckily, honey is an all-natural sweetener that parents can choose for their kids without feeling guilty. Check out how honey plays a role in snacking and plant-based offerings via products developed and marketed to kids.
Kids and Snacking
Bakery and Snacks reports that snacking has become an “all-day habit,” a positive trend amongst children when the snacks are healthy. And, according to the Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, that seems to be the case. They released a study showing that “snacking between meals is improving the overall nutritional quality of American children’s diet.”
This hasn’t always been the case, as for years, snacking has been synonymous with poor eating habits. However, a shift is happening away from bad-for-you snacks over into better-for-you snacks. Food manufacturers are tasked with finding a happy medium of taste versus nutrition, and several made-with-honey products are answering the call for snacks that kids will beg for in grocery aisles.