Web Content and Photo Usage Guidelines
These guidelines specify the proper use of our Web content and photos.
Web Content (Information from the NHB Web sites)
Recipes are not copyrighted and may be used freely in print and on the Web. We do ask that you credit the National Honey Board and link to http://www.honey.com when using a recipe. Credit example phrase: "Recipe provided courtesy of the National Honey Board."
Most of the information on the Web sites may be used as long as you cite the National Honey Board as your resource and provide a link to the NHB Web site.
Photos or artwork are copyrighted and may not be copied or used.
The National Honey Board logo and Honey Locator logo may only be used as a link back to the corresponding National Honey Board site.
National Honey Board Photography Usage Guidelines
NHB photography, including recipe photos that may have been included with a recipe release, is for "editorial" use only. This means the photography may only be used in an article. Photos may not be used on any Web site or for advertising unless direct consent is given in writing by the Board. To request photography for use in an article, please contact us at [email protected].