Honey Does More
Our commitment is to share the vital role honey bees play as premiere pollinators and stewards of our environment. Without them, the food we depend on would dwindle as pollinator foods, including those pollinated by bees, represent one in every three bites of food that we eat.
In addition to the crucial role bees play in sustaining our planet, the honey production process also has a lower impact on the environment than other resource-heavy commodities. At the National Honey Board, we want to share the honey industry's low-impact story and are committed to exploring new practices that will allow the industry to lighten its footprint even further.
The Steps We're Taking

Prove the low impact and positive environmental benefits of the honey industry

Conduct a third-party audit to measure the environmental impacts of the honey industry and recommend any actions to lighten its footprint

Partner with synergistic agricultural industries to better understand the impact of their practices on honey bee pollination services and crop production