Production research is one aspect of the National Honey Board's overall research efforts and generally includes anything related to the natural production of honey prior to packaging. We currently allocate 5% of our anticipated revenues each year to this type of research. Bee health research on issues like Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and external factors affecting honey bees and their development also falls under the production research category.

The health of honey bees is of great importance to the National Honey Board. In addition to producing honey, honey bees provide a vital benefit to agriculture through the pollination of many food crops. Beekeepers must overcome many challenges, like varying weather conditions and CCD, to keep their honey bee colonies healthy.

Although we care deeply about the health of honey bees, our main focus is on providing information about honey and honey products. For more detailed information on honey bees, please contact the American Beekeeping Federation or the American Honey Producers Association. For more information on CCD, you can view the latest information and reports by USDA's Agricultural Research Service