The goal of our retail programs is to drive greater honey sales and usage by consumers while increasing awareness of the important work that honey bees do while producing honey. The retail channel is vital to honey sales and consumption, with the Hartman Group reporting that 77% of all eating occasions occurred at home in 2022 and the great majority of this food being sourced from retailers. In fact, the number of weekly trips to U.S. food retailers rose to 1.6 trips/week in 2022 versus 1.5 trips/week during 2021 (Statista).
We’re supporting the retail channel in 2023 with a three-pronged approach combining print advertising, support for retail promotions and an integrated program validating the impact that our Honey Saves Hives initiative has on incremental honey sales. Our activities will be focused around National Honey Month, bringing our message of Eat honey. Save bees. Help the planet. to life before shopping trips as well as in the store.
We measure and assess the impact of each retail activity we implement so that we can continuously learn and improve our programs. We use this information to increase our purchase influences over time, while simultaneously identifying best practices for promoting honey at retail.